How To Set A Food Dispemser For Animals Minecraft
Redstone Blocks Mobs Gameplay
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(Passive) Mob Feeder/Mob Feeding on dropped items
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#1 Nov 5, 2013
Along the lines of automating farming... I thought of automating farm animal production. Earlier I had suggested modifying a dispenser to be used as a 'Seeder', and I started thinking, if but you could use the dispenser to feed animals.
Information technology occurred to me that if the (Passive, and Wild Passive) Mobs could pick up and eat, a sheaf of wheat, or un-planted seeds, or a os, or meat, or fish, etc.And so you lot could use dispensers/droppers as animal feeders for automated fauna husbandry/healing.Scratch that, now the idea is:
To let animals to exist able to feed from the output port of a Hopper (if there is food in it for that beast and the output port doesn't feed into some other cake)
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#two November v, 2013
That'due south a good idea in general. Why shouldn't animals react to a dropped, likewise as held, item?
It might be better to have a % chance of the nutrient item initiating convenance rather than guaranteed, as it is when y'all feed it to them, more for game balance than anything.
Definitely a good idea, though. Support.
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#three Nov 5, 2013
Unsure almost the basis items, but the dispenser office would be nice. Dropped items isn't the reason for the dispenser to work. Information technology is considering you yourself can apply them.
I tin see a lot of problems with the dropped part of the idea. Cypher like farming and having a moo-cow/sheep run over to badger yous when you lot are just merely trying to harvest wheat. Accept enough problems with planting seeds, and the chickens getting in the way. Of course this is in the commencement earlier I take actually made pods/sections for things.
The only matter I would even support is the idea of the dispenser modification to permit feeding of animals. Every bit I don't see anything incorrect with that, it seems feasible, since information technology would seem like a food trough.
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#iv Nov 5, 2013
I actually similar the idea of the cows and chickens messing with you (if you lot didn't carp to segregate them and pen them off) in response to you lot farming (and non communicable everything as you go).
Relying on the dispenser specifically to deliver food items would hateful an boosted level of complication where you would take to check IF at that place was an fauna in front end of you earlier yous dispensed, and even then, there wouldn't be much guarantee that the fauna would exist 'hungry' at the fourth dimension (full health and either in breeding manner, too immature to breed, or but recently breed).
Dropping to the ground and having the animals that are nearby and find, scramble for the food, would add together an amusing (and sometimes challenging) aspect to the game. I had originally thought of it being specifically a role of the dispenser, but had rejected that line of thought for the reasons stated above and came up with the item drop idea instead.
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#5 Aug 17, 2014
I was thinking about this thought again, and if passive MOB'southward picking up and eating dropped wheat/carrots/seeds/etc. from the footing is objectionable. since the Hopper should be on the horizon, maybe a tweak to the Hopper such that if information technology'southward output is set to open air, and the nutrient detail is available for that passive MOB, (and they are ready to enter love mode ... or in need of healing), then the Passive MOB tin can feed from the Hopper if they are virtually the Hopper's output side.
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#six Aug 18, 2014
Perhaps a block they could eat (when placed)? For instance, when hay bales come out, they could be edited to exist able to provide a mighty feast for sheep and cows. Just what to make with carrots?
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#7 Aug 18, 2014
The point of the suggestion was to take a way to automate feeding using a redstone architecture, and although that is technically possible with sticky and normal pistons with what you proposed, i don't think that having 'placed blocks' that tin can be destroyed past passive MOB's are too likely to go into the game, because the nature of the game at information technology'due south core is a sandbox/build game. If the hay bale hasn't been placed yet (in the Coffee Version), it can be feed as an item, but that doesn't address the original signal of this proposition, as it notwithstanding requires a player to manually feed the animal direct.
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#8 Aug xviii, 2014
How about a trough? You could put, left trigger to fill it, or place a dispenser backside it (And in afterwards versions, a dropper) and information technology would fill up the trough with different types of food. Every few minutes, an animal might walk over to information technology to eat.
The only problem with this that animals might breed excessively. You would need to control the amounts food you put into the trough.
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#10 Aug nineteen, 2014
I did too, but a few people didn't similar the ideas:
1: of an detail being dropped and if non eaten, item will eventually time out and disappear.
2. if animals were enabled to consume dropped items, this would bear upon other areas where there were farming or flooding involved, and animals may eat drops you lot don't want them too.
Using the Hopper every bit a feeder/trough makes sense in that no new item has to be added to MC in order to brand information technology work. Hoppers are intrinsically designed collect items handed to it and to then manus-off items to other blocks, then why not extend this to MOB entities likewise. Information technology even sort of looks like a trough when you wait at it from the pinnacle.
Feeding tin be controlled by redstone mechanics to command when food is loaded into the feeder hopper. Such that players would take to exist responsible in decision-making excessive breeding issues.
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#11 Aug 20, 2014
I do like your original "animals consume dropped items thought", I support that. I suggested the trough considering witherwarrior suggested place-able food blocks.
As for the hoppers, I don't know if all those mechanics might piece of work out, because hoppers normally pick upward from the top, and give out to chests. I retrieve that there should be a trough equally a more specific and aesthetic block.
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#12 Aug xx, 2014
Really, hoppers requite out direction-ally depending on the position of the bottom spout (either down or to one of the primal sides), and it feeds into much more chests, to include furnaces, furnace carts, breast carts, other hoppers, etc. This mechanic 'could' be applied to other in game objects (such as MOB'due south).
I don't object to a new trough for feeding purposes, maybe roughly the size of a half slab block, I'grand merely saying that it isn't required to add a new block when another block could be used to serve in this function. Aesthetically, I'd prefer a separate trough block, but seeing as 4J may be more amenable to adding functionality to existing blocks over calculation whole new blocks that would crave a new block ID and all...I'thousand willing to settle for the more than practical selection.
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